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Technology and ecology

Technology is a science or set of knowledges and skills about physical and chemical processes and operations whose purpose is to get a final product. Production of products or useful goods and objects is carried out by a technological processes. Technological Process is a sequence of physical and chemical processes. Technology is divided into mechanical technology, chemical technology, ...

Mechanical - deals with changes in shape and mechanical properties of materials.

Chemical - the process of converting raw materials into products.

development of industry / technology
Ecology is a science that studies the relationships of living beings and their impact on the environment they live in.
It has appeared as a branch of biology but still uses the knowledge of chemistry, physics, mathematics ...
Ecology is often linked to nature protection, although it is improper.

How does technology help?

Positive Impacts of Technology on Ecology:
- Development of new programs and/or devices that can save human lifes

- Encouraging awareness of available renewable energy sources and sustainability, especially trough the internet and social networks

- Construction of eco-friendly buildings that consume less energy

- Preventing problems (for example, fires) by using satellite and available information

- Increased use of renewable energy sources such as solar (solar panels), wind (wind turbines), water (hydropower plant), ...

- Decreasing the amount of waste by encouraging the recycling and reusing approaches

- Decreasing the release of toxic materials and other environmentally unacceptable substances into rivers, oceans, forests, atmosphere, ...

dobra strana tehnologije

How does technology make it worse?

Negative Impact of Technology on Ecology:
- Environmental impacts on the eco-system and bio-diversity, such as global warming, extinction of plants and animal species, ...

- Air pollution, greenhouse effect, acid rains, ... by using fossil fuel vehicles (cars, trains, aircraft, ...)

- Unhealthy and inactive lifestyle due to dependence on different devices (computers, cell phones)

- Creating large ammounts of electrical and electronic garbage that may contain poisonous materials (for example mercury)

- Radioactive radiation from wireless devices using Wi-Fi, BlueTooth and satellite transmission

loša strana tehnologije



Tips for better life with technology: - When purchasing a device, look at the energy efficiency of the selected device (look for A ones, even A+++ ones if possible)

- Try to use bicycle or public city transport as much as possible for transportation

- Put the waste into recycling containers

- If the waste can not be recycled, put it in the proper waste container, depending on its type

- Turn off the devices you do not use, and turn off the lights in rooms you aren't in at the moment

What is ecology?

science that studies the relationship between living things and the environment they live in
animal science
science of living beings

What is technology?

our devices
process of obtaining techniques
science or a set of knowledge and skills on physical and chemical procedures and operations whose purpose is to get a product.

Does the technology help reduce the impact on the environment?

Depends on how it is being used

What do wireless devices do with wireless (Wi-Fi, BlueTooth, satellite) devices?

Ultraviolet Radiation
Radioactive Radiation
Gamma radiation

Is Ecology linked to nature protection? Is that correct?

Yes and it is correct
Yes, but it's not correct
No, but it is correct
No and it is not correct